Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014


Mpush (left) and Ndutch (right)
          How do you do guys? I hope that all of us are in a good condition. I want to ask you something before you start to read this. You don’t have to tell me the answer, just answer this by yourself: did you ever have an unforgetable moment in your whole live, a sad or a happy one? I have many indeed. But this time Iwant to tell you about a sad one.
           It hapened when I was a fourth grader. When I went to ciwidey with my family, I and my cousine bought a couple of rabbits. We picked a colored dark gray and a light brown rabbit. They were named Ndutch and Mpush. A cute name, isn’t it? Haha

            All they did everyday was eating, sleeping, eating, playing, and eating. They favorite meal are vegetables, such as carrot and water spinach. But yhey liked to eat leaves too. Because they eat much, the excrement that comes after that was pretty much for us. If they lived insides, the unpleasent smell will fill our house. So we moved them outside. But they lived outsides just for several weeks because it started to rain everyday.
A weird idea to make this
             After thinking for a while, we found a solution: moving them to the balcony. The idea was simple enough but really smart. We covered the holes with triplex and cardboard so they won’t fall down. We put a blanket, a bowl of water, and a some food there. I though they would be alright.

             But one day, in a normal sunny day, something really sad happen. My male rabbit, Mpush, walked to the roof pass a small rift. And then he fell down! Oh no! But happily he was saved because he lands on the soft grass. But the bad ones comes at the end, Ndutch followed her couple and fell on the asphalt, and sadly she died a day after that tragedy.

              Because I was a child back there, I was really sad because of that accident. I cried the whole day. We burried her behind our house near the tree. What hapened to Mpush? Because he was leaved behind by his sweetheart and he was kinda lonely, we bought a new one for him in lembang. We named her Mpink. After that accident, we moved them back to the garage. And they lived happily after that.

              Not really important, isn’t it? haha. But I hope you enjoyed reading this. Okay, that was my story. Now, what’s yours?

New couple: Mpush x Mpink

Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014

my new friend

My New Friend

            Welcome back to my blog guys. This time I’d like to introduce my new friend to all of you, Maria Ervina Permatasari Santoso. She sit next beside me.  Most people call her Maria, because that her first name, but her family call her with Vina. She was born at June 11th 1999. Now she lives at Jalan Pinus II number 2. She wears glasses from the fourth grade, has black long hair, white skin, and she’s pretty tall. A type of person who is kind and quiet, but really nice.

            Maria also has a big sister, Monica Silvia P. S. who is a scholar in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, a.k.a. UPI in Bandung. Right now her sister is studying FIKOM. Maria is really close to her sister, although it’s more like being annoying than nice. Before her sister entred colledge they often tell stories to each other. But now, her sister is so busy, not just because of her colledge, it’s because her sister has a boyfriend. But for Maria, her sister is always the best.

            If ther’s school, she wakes around 5 a.m. in the morning. Because she goes to school with her mother by motorcycle every day at 5.30 a.m., she just has 30 minutes to prepare for school. She arrives at school at 5 o’clock or sometimes a little bit after that. After that, you know, learning until the bell rings. Then, she takes a bath, studies, eats, prepares for tomorrow.  At about 8 o’clock she sleeps. But if there are many homeworks for the next day, then she sleeps at 9 p.m.

            When she is kind of bored, she usually draws in her book. She likes to draw Patrick, Doraemon, etc. Her  favorite subject is English because we just have learn basic English. But I think Maria is good at English. Her favorite color is blue and she likes dogs, although she is a little bit scared of dogs. She has some fish and turtle at her house, but the turtle died. Her idol ow is Maria Carey. Not because their names are same, I’s because she likes Maria Kerry’s song and voice.

            In some occasion, she goes to magelang for family meeting. What makes me shocked is that she goes there with a bus. And she is just accompanied by her old sister. She goes there with bus because the bus belongs to a friend of her father, so it’s free. A nice experience, isn’t it?

            The last thing that I want to write about her is her view of SMAN 3. For her, SMAN 3 is ‘miraculous’. There are a lots of homeworks and it’s full of smart people, but it’s fun because she got some new friends.

            That’s enough for today. Hope you’ll read my next article :))

Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014

My Autobiography
By: Fadhilla Najmi Qinthara

Hello guys, my name is Fadhilla Najmi Qinthara, but you can call me Fadhilla or Falla. I was born in Bandung at September 12th 1998. My parents are Muhammad Suhardjono Firiyanto and Vita sarasi. My mother lectures economy in the University of Padjadjaran since I was young, and my father is a consultant in the field of environment. Naufal Ismail Kreshnaviyanto, my only one sibling, is a scholar in Institute of Technology Bandung. I am the youngest child in my family. My house is in Konstitusi street number 2, in dago.

Why did i want to go to SMAN 3 Bandung? Before that, let’s talk a little bitabout my junior highschool, SMP Nurul Fikri Boarding School Lembang. And from the name you can conclude thatit is a boarding school, or a place were student live and learn. At the beginning I was a little bit afraid. Imagine that you live in a place far from your house and family for years. But at the meantime, when I had got friends, my view about a boarding school changed. It was really fun there, and I got many new experience too. But at the end I wanted to try to learn at a normal school again, not in a boarding school. After I received my national exam scores, I decided to go SMAN 3 Bandung.
I was really happy when I was accepted in SMAN 3 Bandung. The building is good and there aremany trees and plants. My classmates are really nice and funny. And what people said about this school is true: there are no bullies here because the seniors are nice. No wonder that SMAN 3 Bandug got appreciation for the best school in Indonesia.
My hobbies are reading and drawing. We can express our feelings by drawing. That is why I like to draw. And about reading, I like to read comics and books thatare inspiring. My favorite subject is math, although some people hate it. I like math because math is exact science, so there are just one answer for each question. And I like it because it is challenging to find the answer. A weird reason, isn’t it? Favorite food? I almost like tempe mendoan, spagetti and meatball. If it’s about fruit, I like manggoes and apples. And my favorite beverage is tea nd juices. Yummy..
When I got a little bit bigger. For me, beeing a teacher is not just teaching math, science, etc., but it’s more than that. Teacher are our parents in school who teach us about moral and character. That’s why teacher is a inspiring and benefical job. After that I want to be a good mother and live happy until I die. But the most important goal from my live is happy living after that, inheaven and meet our god and creator, Allah SWT. Aamiin.
The last thing I want to write is about my daily activities. I wake up at 4 a.m., or when it’s time to pray shubuh. After that I prepare to go to school. And before seven o’clock I arive at the school. There I learn until 1 p.m.. At home I take a rest, and sometimes I learn too. Usually I sleep approximately at 10 p.m.

Ithink that’s enough. Thank you for reading this:)
wisuda smp